Software Engineer Intern

  • Skills: Bloks, Hack, GraphQL
  • Organization: Meta
  • Duration : Jun 2022 to Sep 2022
  • URL: Meta Home Page

Architected a new delivery acknowledgement system and multi quantity returns flow as a member of the E-Commerce Team

I was a member of the Instagram and Facebook Shops team at Meta. The E-Commerce team is a product focused team that has to move quickly to meet the demands of billions of customers and shops worldwide that rely on us as an online marketplace. My project in particular focused on the delivery acknowledgement system for packages that were shipped with invalid tracking ID's. As there's no way for a vendor or Meta to verify if a package was delivered if the tracking ID was invalid, we rely on the customer. If the customer acknowledges they've received the package, they can then proceed to "Get Help" with returns, refunds, etc. I also built a multi quantity returns flow, so if a customer purchased 5 of the same item, they can return any number of items instead of returning them 1 at a time.

I worked primarily with Meta proprietary languages. I learned a server side scripting framework called Bloks which is used to unify code between both Instagram and Facebook and a backend PHP-like language called Hack to support backend async calls. I also utilized GraphQL to build an internal tool as a stretch goal during my internship as it uses fewer resources than Hack and is easier to maintain. Here is a POST on LinkedIn discussing my internship and time there.